2023 Pottinger Data management Harvest Assist
- Year 2023
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2023 Pottinger Data management Harvest Assist
With the HARVEST ASSIST app, PÖTTINGER optimises forage harvesting, improves communication in the team and makes it easy to plan machine deployment.
Features may include:
Highest working convenienceFor intuitive operation
The app can be opened on your smartphone, so no additional hardware is required. You will quickly find your way around, because the app is designed so intuitively. For easy documentation, the each load is counted based on GPS data to determine the yield.
The status of each field is colour coded to indicate whether it is currently being processed, ready for the next process or whether harvesting has already been completed. This way, everyone in the team can see what is happening in which field right now.
The best working results
The best forageThe free HARVEST ASSIST app helps achieve a higher harvesting performance. The app optimises the sequences between the mowers, tedders, rakes, mergers, loader wagons and/or round balers so that delivery peaks at the yard are avoided. The result is a mass flow-dependent field processing sequence for dynamic harvesting. The compaction vehicle at the clamp can then neatly distribute and compact each load of crop delivered one by one to produce the best forage.
Cost effectiveness
Working cost effectivelyThe locations of the harvest machines are displayed in real time. This makes it easier to coordinate and display operations. Waiting times and unnecessary journeys are avoided. Because there is an integrated route planner, it is easy to navigate to the fields. People who are not familiar with the farm can immediately spot the fields that are displayed and easily find their way to their next field.
Live locationShows live location of all tractors, rakes and loader wagons
The location of each team member is displayed in real time. An overview of all group members is therefore provided. Communication becomes easier as a result.
Dynamic route guidance
Dynamic routing for consistent delivery to the clampThe machines are deployed dynamically to the fields according to the set strategy Multiple harvesting machines can be deployed manually or automatically. This creates an automatic harvesting schedule that can be worked through field by field. As a result, there is a constant flow of material to the clamp so it can be optimally compacted.
Customised planning
Easy allocation of machines and fieldsMultiple mowers, tedders, rakes, mergers, loader wagons and round balers can be deployed manually or automatically. This creates an automatic harvesting schedule that can be worked through field by field.
Navigation to the field
Every driver finds the quickest way to the field and the next swathUsing the navigation function, the direct route to the field entrance is displayed in seconds. The entrance to each field can be clearly defined. This ensures the field is accessed efficiently.
Intuitive field input
Simple and fast capture of the fieldsAdding a field is intuitive, and allows fields to be created, customised and selected. Site-specific field conditions can be defined to assist the drivers - for example if the field is especially steep or wet. In addition, yield and dry matter are determined for documentation of the silage mass.